There are two types of accommodation for all candidates of PDS/UABS at FUTA Annex, Ibule Soro, Akure:
1) Accommodation A - ₦65,000
2) Accommodation B - ₦55,000
Please be informed that the allocation of bedspaces for accommodation is First-Come-First-Served for all candidates looking for this opportunity during application into Pre-Degree Science (PDS) and University Advanced Basic Science (UABS) programmes.
After you have paid your school fees for PDS or UABS, confirm your school fees payment in both your FUTA online student profile and at the Accounting Department within the Centre for Continuing Education, FUTA.
Thereafter, proceed to apply for accommodation i.e. Accommodation A or Accommodation B.
Frequently check back on your CCE FUTA online student profile so that once activated by the Accommodation Administrator, you can go ahead and generate the invoice Remita RRR code for one of the accommodation choices you have displayed within your student profile, and pay with a preferred method of payment. Print out your accommodation form which will be needed for room and bedspace allocation by the Centre's Hostel Allocation Officer.
1) Confirm school fees payment in your online student profile;
2) Confirm school fees payment receipt in Accounting Depatment (Room 7), CCE FUTA;
3) Apply for preferred accomodation type, A or B.
4) Frequently check back on your student's profile and wait for chosen accomodation type to be activated;
5) Generate RRR code for payment for accommodation type (Click "Generate RRR" button ONCE to avoid error!);
5) Pay the fees at your bank of choice via Remita using the generated RRR code from your student profile (DO NOT GENERATE RRR code at website for this);
6) Confirm accommdation fees in your online student profile
7) Print out your Accommodation Form
8) Proceed to the Allocation office for your bedspace for further accommodation processing.